Explore depth & scope of the moment

JANU: We are engaging, if you will, pre-destiny but carefully, with caution. This is a larger perspective than moment by moment free will and choice. Life is predestined to be, but that includes limitlessness and an evolving potential. Many of these principles to understand Life, its origins, its continuation, are beyond the scope of the seeming minutia of life.

So where does the flow of life come into this? It is life in motion, which is part of the foundation of becoming. What this means, our brother, is that understanding Life cannot be limited to one realm of it, one set of parameters of existence, or even physicality.

What is vitality? The reason for the question is to explore unlimited identity, then move beyond it. Does one have to identify with any limitation in order to explore it, understand it? The binary incarnate life has a limited range of coexistent realities. So stretching one’s consciousness has merit up to a point, but possibly a wiser pursuit is focusing upon the reality of the moment. Be alert to your interests, being elements of distraction from the moment. Namaste.
June 1, 2020 BP                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross