
JANU:     Teaching is a relationship to explore, predicated on the assumption that there is a teacher/student relationship. Let us assume then, for the moment, that there is. Reaching into one’s so-called ‘bag of tricks’ or instruments of teaching, there is the spoken word. There is the demonstration. There is the direct experience. And there is the insight, revelatory beyond current awareness. And there is the True Nature, living in the flow of life.

So which one does one choose or, possibly, all of them? First, one must examine which one is valid for them and which one can the one being shared with relate to. One can listen to their words, observe their example, attune to their energies and consciousness, understand their body language, and point them towards their inner teacher, their True Nature. So, you see, it is a package approach to be guided on how to proceed, not to mention your own inner awareness of your own teacher. Then, the question arises, who is doing the teaching? Possibly, you are teaching each other, in different ways.

Allowing another to see your experience and observe your journey takes a bit of courage in this society that can easily find fault with, criticize or reject. But understand: there are those who are ready to hear and your example gives them the courage that someone will listen to them as they journey. It is true: nothing ventured, nothing gained. There is risk in everything, but benefit as well. So, is there a valid reason not to say, “Why not try?” Namaste.
Feb. 14, 2020 P                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross