Becoming more conscious – 2

JANU:    So you see, being more conscious includes more conscious of everything. Both sides of duality, the experience, the balance, equilibrium, the positive and the negative. The good and the bad, so to speak, are all part of life. Being more conscious is being more aware of everything, yet still finding purpose, evolution, creativity, realized potential. Moving life forward richer, stronger, and yes, even with beauty, wiser and loving.

Being more conscious has its challenges and opportunities. Being even-minded is the challenge and an opportunity. Grow through the wisdom of your choices. Be at peace. Be an example to others. Walk the quiet path. Choose your steps wisely. Life is in motion. Be conscious of the flow, for what is more dynamic than life itself? Namaste.
Mar. 31, 2021                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross