Overview of interdimensional reality

JANU: Assembling our thoughts, we come up with the nature of our reality, which has common elements with others, yet unique here or there, as with others. Your quest has been the understanding of the structure and process of existence, not just for beings but for the elements of life and their nature. To examine this, one must at times move beyond words and limited perception to embrace direct experience. So let us continue in this way, bringing about revelation.

Time and space coexistence, understanding, and experience opens the door to relationships that are co-dependent, mutually beneficial, that exist as one in a larger reality, a larger perception. The veil isolates a limited consciousness. That portion of consciousness is most comfortable processing one understanding at a time. Embracing the Larger Life moves beyond that. Therefore, one must employ a measure of the larger consciousness that relates to coexistence, simultaneous realities.

These five elements of interdimensional reality that have been given* are one example. They coexist, mutually beneficial and, when embraced, can lead to larger reality of coexistence. Now, the True Nature operates in this larger way but occasionally offers glimpses of insight beyond the veil limitations.

We have spoken of process and timing. Being at peace is comfortable with this and allows for complex insight to be metered into glimpses of the larger reality. This process serves the incarnate consciousness with opportunities of evolutionary awareness and understanding. All is not achievable in one sojourn, but the quest is beneficial to the True Nature. Be at peace and namaste.
Aug. 3, 2021                                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: The five elements of interdimensional reality to be explored in this current series are: relative existence, communication, insight, energetic densities, & timing and process.