Understanding relative existence

JANU:  Relative existence means there is a correspondence throughout life on every level: thoughts, feelings, inspirations, insights. It begs the question: Is there such a thing as completely independent new thought, unique, or is the new thought a composite of influences from relative existence, on one or more levels? The next question: Does it matter, as long as new thought is part of the one Life? It plays its role. The nature of relative existence can be useful in understanding the appearance and evolution of life expression.

It also begs the question: How effectively do we listen to each other? Do we listen to influences, life patterns, progressions, creativity, change? How often do we become inspired and, in a moment of inspiration, stop listening and start processing? Can we listen and process simultaneously? While listening remains unbiased, open-minded, unfiltered, do we listen to the processing of others to understand them better and be of service more effectively?

When observing the recording of others, printed or otherwise, can an evolving consciousness still benefit from a recording that is not changing? Can past and present relate to each other in the midst of a changing present?

The answer to all of these questions is ‘Yes.’ Life is not one thing or another. It is one thing and another. The past and the present are one and are the source of progression into the future. Through the future, the past and the present are connected. Relative existence is everywhere, in all of life. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2021                                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross