Identity Expansion

JANU: An interesting point of view. “Welcome, stranger,” one might say as the human consciousness returns to conscious union with the True Nature. Getting to know one’s True Nature once more, while incarnate, is part of the revelation of life to itself, for the incarnate life with its protocols is an exploration and experience adding many perspectives and understandings to the True Nature.

There can be a sense of separation, loss of a larger reality, behind the veil. But that is a perception, not the whole truth. Conscious union is a path of gradual awakening to the larger truth of one’s nature. We are one in this, with the guiding wisdom of management.

Let us assume for the moment, then, awakening is a process of identity expansion beyond being human. The nature of the wonderings within the human identity reveals, as they change, movement on the path of awakening to a larger identity, to a larger life, to a larger truth, to a larger being. Embracing a new insight, making it a part of your consciousness, a new way of perceiving your life and seeing yourself, experiencing the change expands the identity with understanding. Individual identity comes from new experiences that are understood and applied. These new understandings, insights, when embraced and applied, shape the consciousness.

Consider insights thoughtfully, carefully. Explore them. See what they reveal about who you are and more will come as you grow into them. Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross