Coexistence and all that you are

JANU:    Such a portrayal of coexistence stems from the innate desire to be more conscious, more consciously involved in the Tapestry of Life. The reality you long for in consciousness and in experience has always been the nature of your existence, the life seemingly around you and the life within you. Think not strictly, perceive not strictly in incarnate, veiled terms. This also allows for expansion of identity, which in turn broadens consciousness and awareness. It has always been at your fingertips, at your beck and call. It has always been involved in your human journey.

We are your companions in life and you are ours. Life grows from your experiences, your wisdom gaining. We all gain from each other as we serve life. This is not a reality to be perceived as something to be attained. It is already there and you have been living it, although not always conscious of it, but the desire has always been there to know, to see, to be, to understand, and to walk a larger path with larger steps. This is part of being intimate with life, the life that you are. It is here and it is now. Be all you desire and life will always respond. Decide to understand and experience. Namaste.
May 11, 2022                                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross