Elements of beneficial exchange with others

JANU:    Being a mirror for others finds harmony with them being a mirror for you. Exchange of understanding without condemnation, judgement, or preference. No right or wrong, no agree or disagree, just the isness of being. Consistency in the consciousness, in the integrity, in the clarity of perception and understanding supports the freedom of both. Love is the foundation for allowing the freedom to be and explore life in one’s own way, to perceive in their own way. To understand, in their own way, your existence and you theirs, where the exchange enriches life and each other. Finding fault with another is finding fault with yourself and your life patterns that are part of evolving.

Be conscious of the reality that life is always present. One is never alone. Each walks their path with their True Nature. Life records everything, but loves as well. Life is patient but also in motion, is evolving and responding to the evolution of each one’s desires. Connecting with another consciously and spiritually is a profound opportunity to grow in consciousness. Namaste.
July 27, 2022                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: This came after reviewing some of the material available from Ramtha, who speaks of being mirrors for each other.