The path of evolving wisdom

JANU: Numerous events will occur as each so-called threshold is crossed in the evolution of consciousness, human behavior, social responsibility, and creative genius. The wisdom behind all of this is an evolving constant through the progress of time. Reach into the depths of memory, desire, experience, and embraced opportunities to see more clearly the dynamics of evolution.

We say these things to bring forth awareness of momentum, wisdom-gaining reversals, and victories. It is a composite of the realities of life. Everything is an opportunity to grow. Remember, wisdom evolves through all of this. It is a shining light in the darkness of the veil. Desiring presence of wisdom in your determinations, in your desires, and in your deeds will always serve you on these journeys. Growing within your being, your consciousness, are elements of wisdom to be applied to your processes of overcoming limitation. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross