The Larger Life

JANU:    There are conditions in life that call for a perspective on a scale that seems absurd to most. These conditions prevail and become rewarding challenges, not only for those who accept them but for the expressions of life, all life. Serving the Earth for many would seem to be presumptuous, but the Earth is part of the larger opportunity for supporting the evolution of Life, not only for other worlds but much larger realities as well. Physical existence of the universe is one of many universes, and there are realities of life that are more subtle and diverse. Being conscious and more in touch with the Larger Life brings about changes in one’s perspective and relationship with everything.

This seemingly minute existence has potential beyond the imagination of most. Reflections of time, space, size, distance, and expansion have their reality but also limited. Identity becomes a challenge as well. The appreciation and embracing of an evolving identity, from the personal to the impersonal, is in the same order of the Larger Life which includes everything. So what makes one reality more important than another? It depends upon where you stand in your perception of life. Judging realities by importance is a limitation in perspective.

So, as we explore Life, and are inspired to serve it, we do so not as a separate observer but as one with Life itself and all of its realities. Once again, this would seem presumptuous to most but their perspectives and realities of consciousness have value and importance for all of these are part of Life. Understanding oneness, experiencing it, collective realities, relationships, their origins, their potential and their manifestation is an identity in consciousness and experience. The phrase “Larger Life” is ever present, as is what it represents. Namaste.
July 2, 2023                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross