The true nature of negative & positive

JANU:    Society, then, evolves. It also devolves. The balance between the two is determined by collective and individual potential. Now, manifestations of the two are a driving force for each. In general, life’s potential is to continue, self-enrich. “Now, what does enrichment look like?” you ask.  With the current human consciousness, it is modeled individually for both selfish and benevolent motivation. The balance between the two can be marginalized by circumstance. Individual and collective influences move the needle in different directions. Evolution has a potential of both directions of influence finding common ground, and this is achieved by influence from the True Natures.

Appraising both sides of a coin can reveal its nature. Such it is with the human condition. When you merge the two influences in society and individually, something more is revealed. Some might see this as destiny. But some still live in confusion, favoring one influence over another.

So the question is asked, “What is meant by enrichment?” Potential, peace, harmony, re-creation, change, renewal, and new beginnings. So, the lesson for this journey is an insightful observation and grasp of both sides of the coin, so to speak, and what it can reveal. Looking for harmony, coordination, and cooperation gives the coin meaning and potential for enrichment. Namaste.
Oct. 18, 2023                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

See also page on Dichotomies.