What is life?

JANU: We are responding to the request: The nature of life and not life. The imagination wanders along paths of inquiry to discover, understand, and relate to many realities. This morning’s journey includes such.

What is life, then? It is pure being with many characteristics, potentials, opportunities, co-creation, and alternatives. Reality devoid of this consumes nothing but is the potential for life. So what is ‘non-being’? It is no time/space or manifestations. It is not even an ‘isness.’ It is no thing.

So where does potential come from? What is it? What does it constitute? Is it a reality?

What benefit to explore non-existence? Life is larger than any description: Unlimited potential and realization. Energetic yet beyond energy. Vitality. Coexistence beyond description. Aspects beyond number. As present in the moment as in timelessness. Uniqueness and oneness. Beginning and end. Seeming contradictions. Infinitesimal and infinite. Illusion and reality. Freedom to be limitation and limitlessness. Use any of the descriptors of life from the micro to the macro. It includes it all. Namaste.
Oct. 21, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 This question has been posed previously. As the answers match my development and understanding it may be of interest to the reader to see prior answers