
JANU:  We are looking for a fuller and larger understanding of life. Penitence is the word we begin with, due penitence. Embracing life and its potential includes its own reality. What does it mean then to give due to all you have been and are? To acknowledge it, to own it, to love it, to give it to enrich life. The magic of expansion, of ongoingness is to embrace, to engage, to desire that life fulfills itself and we are part of that.

How does one fulfill the potential of everything, whether manifest or not? Being conscious of Life is part of being conscious as Life. Identity separate from universality. Let us focus that revelation and generate life patterns. But there is more. Allow your identity to evolve, which means conscious connection as a Larger Life. This is foreign and frightening to those who are solidly identified as only a part of Life.

One senses unfinished business. The more conscious you are, the more complete the business and its nature. The Larger Life is not just other individuals but other realities and being conscious as them. Engaging, contributing, becoming, fulfilling. Identity shifting does not mean just becoming something else, but adding another part of reality to your being and being that reality. Letting go of limitation does not mean letting go of your Nature but embracing it, becoming conscious of and as more of what you already are.

Some already exhibit remarkable ability as amazing parts of Life. Discover your own and refine them. Love them into your life. Let them become enriching factors to serve how they may. Namaste.
Apr. 19, 2024                                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross