
JANU: Recovery begins our journey. Life recovers its momentum with each surge of change. Individual life journeys can be seen the same way, recovering momentum from change. One might see change as recovering newness, freshness, beginnings, inspiration, and insight into outcome and possibilities. Change is an exciting time. One is recovered as more of Life.

Staleness is replaced with new purpose, deepening enlightenment, with echoes of the past succumbing to movement of the future. What changes is The NOW . The Now is alive with potential, the vehicle of Life is the chariot. The directions that are possible are without limit, shaped by the echoes of the past, refined by the potential in the Now manifesting in the future.

Allow recovery by letting identity expand, change, evolve. Evolution and refinement are partners in the Dance of Life. Old acquaintances begin anew. New acquaintances evolve with a history. Discovering each other is the journey of miracles. Discover how rich life can be. Allow the time and patience to enjoy the flavors. Live confident that Life continues and its nature is indestructible, due to recovery. Allow your life as an individual to recover. Others can do the same thing. Namaste.
Apr. 24, 2024                                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross