Coexistence and multiple realities

JANU:    Researching life does not suggest the intimacy of a direct experience: intimacy, coexistence, connection, becoming as. Exploring life similarly interpreted. Awakening and becoming is more inclusive. So let us become more of life, as we awaken to it.

Life is timeless, but includes it. It is ongoing but filled with cycles of existence, episodes of expression, creative outcomes, challenges and opportunities. This can describe an individual as well. Understanding your nature is an exploration in a larger identity. Identifying with life is a reality of coexistence. Letting go of one thing to embrace another is movement. A perspective of inclusiveness expands so-called identity into a reality not easy to describe in words. “We are Janu” speaks to this. Elements of consciousness coexisting as one, yet unique expressions of life as well.

Levels of reality are challenging to understand. Faith in their existence keeps the door open.  Not as blind acceptance but with a desire to be more. Allow this understanding to settle in and be revelatory. Namaste.
June 17, 2024
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