Being Life loving itself

JANU:    Pondering the large questions about existence and life can be an avoidance of what is at hand, even though related and coexisting. What guideline, then, influences the focus of attention for the purpose of exploration, understanding, and evolution in consciousness? The true interest of the moment  that one is connected to has to do with purpose. What is the nature of purpose, then, but the manifestation of potential? What is the nature and quality of that potential in the moment? It is to be. And what would you be? The love of life, love as life, life loving its own potential. The motivation of life in motion is to explore itself, to create and realize, not in terms limited to physicality. So focus in the moment on Life loving itself and all that it is, without preference. Namaste.

JUly 22, 2024                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross