Message for Humanity: Self-worth

JANU:    The human perception of self-worth is the request for focus of exploration of understanding and remedy. This is a dark area for many and societal circumstance paints a dark picture. Hard to shine a light in and illuminate.

What we speak to here is intrinsic worth that one may or may not be aware of. Eternal worth, perpetual worth just by being. Difficult to shake off the life patterns of other’s perception of personal interpretation of relationships. Part of the worth of being is potential. Potential of Life itself and all it can be. One does not own life. One is life. And what would creation be without it?

Now we speak here not just of human beings but all of life. How does one find freedom from misinterpretation but by expanding the ability and the experience of self-love. “And what is meant by ‘love’?” you ask. The intimacy of connection into a purpose, the joy that we discover in ourselves and each other. Your True Nature loves you without question. How could it not? You are it. How can you not love another? For you are One.

The circumstances of life are just the steppingstones on the path of discovery, creativity, rebuilding, modification, experimentation. Experiment freely with an evolving purpose and love of life, but grow in knowing your Nature. Conscious union with the larger You is the journey worth taking. And that journey is filled with adventure and discovery. The freedom of understanding that comes is more powerful than any fear, confusion, frustration, disappointment. They fade in the light of the Truth of Life.

Choose to live in freedom and be all you can be. Love each other and allow them their freedom as well, in your own perception of life. Namaste.
Aug. 13, 2024                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross