Message for Humanity: Choose your life wisely

JANU:    Peace seems to be an overused word with confusion as to depth, meaning, and true power.  As one observes humanity and today’s human environment and social realities, it’s not easy to see vast examples. One asks the question “Why is there so much anger and struggle for power and dominance, when working together for mutual benefit could create so much more that benefits everyone?”

From one point of view, it has to do with enlightenment, awakening to the larger life, not only of humanity but individually as well. Humanity’s potential is coupled inextricably with its true nature. Everyone has present within themselves larger, simpler, more powerful, and constructive understanding as to the nature of their own life and Life itself.

When one observes another or themselves gaining a moment of true understanding and freedom, the joy is obvious. When one gains power over others, power that takes and consumes, revelation is not the same. But that scenario seems more available when one is angry, frustrated, and impoverished, than the beauty and power of the inner and larger life, a loving life with patience, tolerance, and love.

How does one, then, embrace the difference, to the benefit themselves and others? By desiring it more than anything, recognizing its significance an unlimited possibilities. Seeing results little by little that bring encouragement and inspiration. Choose, with wisdom that evolves, the life of your desires and all that goes with it. The inner life is filled with simple solutions that are powerful, not complications or manipulations but a light of clarity. Easier to reveal to others, mostly by example.

The Family of Life, so to speak, in its way, is eternal, omnipresent, and evolving. Choose wisely. Your choice is not alone. You are loved. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2024                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


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