Children and Parents

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us attune to a portion of the Light, which is the Truth of Life, dealing with children and parents and society. Few realize how significant the entrance of a child into a family is. This child’s consciousness, although unused to communicating in your language, is still attuned to, awake to its True Nature and its experience before birth. Many profound understandings from direct experience inherent in these children.

Yet humanity, which has lost for the moment that attunement to their True Nature, does not perceive this. Yes, they find joy in the child’s presence, not from its wisdom but from its promise and need for their caring. Still, many children are lost from parents consumed with their personal obsessions, the struggle to survive, and the frustration and anger of their circumstance in life, all of which is their choosing and making. Yet the child knows nothing but love for and patience with troubled parents.

Attuning to the consciousness of the child, the parents would gain much, including the needs of the child, its preferences or the kind of life it needs to fulfill its destiny, express its creativity, and, yes, serve the parents as a loving being fresh from a life that is free by comparison and attuned to the Truth of Life. Yes, we recognize that children enter this world with obsessions of their own, from the patterns created in previous existences. But with enlightened parents, the parents and the children can work through these into a more successful living.

The quest for the awakening of humanity includes the children as well. But they are, in fact, messengers of life not fully understood or appreciated. Even as humanity wastes the genius of so many sacrificed in wars and other ventures of crime, and power, government, and even the legal system. Awakening would change this, for humanity would begin to understand the futility of these endeavors and how they sabotage humanity’s future and freedom. Children are exploited all over the world, in sweatshops, immoral trafficking, slavery, and abuse. The need for awakening is grand indeed and the children are a vehicle for this, if humanity would but realize.

Many would even ask the question to this proposition “Awakening to what?” having no idea, no vision. We continue to serve to inspire the consciousnesses of humanity to see a glimpse of their possibilities and their potential and open their hearts and minds to a better life, including their children’s. Namaste.

Feb. 26, 2014                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross