Filling in the gaps to understanding life

JANU:     We have with us this morning one who speaks of that which belongs to humanity’s destiny, meaning the expertise to fill in the blanks of understanding life. There are many worlds in the universe seeking the answers to these blanks in their collective understanding.

Humanity’s destiny will include a well-honed skill at seeing a portion of information or understanding of reality with blank spaces, so to speak, in that continuum. Humanity will be able to enter the blank space, so to speak, move in both directions on that continuum and extrapolate what’s missing in understanding. For the continuum, you see, has the information, even though the understanding may not. This method of embracing the reality of life is already being accomplished by a few, even though not always understanding how it is being accomplished. This will be another of humanity’s service to life, to other worlds, other beings. Along with this comes the responsibility of when to apply this and when to wait, for there are reasons in social and individual development that the blanks exist, and that must be understood as well.

This one who speaks has served humanity in this way before, and will continue to do so for the purpose of developing humanity’s ability in this area. This is by no means the only service of humanity to life, but an important one.

Now, when one observes humanity as it is, one wonders “Will they ever be ready for this ability?” Understand this, our brother: there are those in your world already ready, and they are developing this skill and they are the catalyst for these changes. There are breakthroughs in consciousness occurring here and there, throughout humanity, unknown to most and especially what these breakthroughs portend. Let us join, from time to time, in these developments to learn and lend support, enhancing the vision for humanity’s future.

We thank the one who has joined us for this revelation. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 24, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross