The power of gratitude (Service)

JANU:    The flow of life into each being’s consciousness is enhanced by the energetic power of gratitude. It opens the heart, opens the mind, opens the charkas, and opens the channel of light through the charkas. Now, some will say, “What is there to be grateful for?” not understanding that gratitude is not caused by anything. It’s a choice, a determination by the individual to experience this and communicate with life more openly, letting go of any need to justify gratitude.

It allows for spontaneous love, and joy, happiness, and peace, and the rejuvenating properties of the flow of life. It removes conditions, restrictions, limiting the perceptions, and strengthens the so-called fiber of your being. It reduces anomalies in the balance of systems throughout your vehicles. It allows release from the obsession of memories, of self-condemnation and the condemnation of others. And it is true that, whatever state you are in, you attract similar states in others and in the patterns of life and energy that are everywhere.

A loving gratitude attracts to you similar patterns of life, and what better service this evening than to support these conditions for humanity? These revelations have a home and, more and more, the home is the hearts of humanity, supported by a loving consciousness. Let us serve in this way this evening, our brother. Be a grateful inspiration for those you meet. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2014 B                                                 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross