Life in the space between worlds

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, encouraging then this morning that we partake of an opportunity to proceed along the lines of the nature of life in what some would call space, the so-called void or vacuum.

What we see here is a swirling mixture of various forms of energy modified by the manifest forms of life. And they being influenced as well. To perceive these energies and their movements, one must recognize that life exists everywhere, and every when, manifest and unmanifest. For most of the existence of life is not physical, or third dimensional. It ranges far beyond that. Now, what exists in space to be explored and understood is a matrix of life. And even the matrix itself is vibrant, energetic, and on the move. It is like a tapestry being woven and unwoven, continuously, from many causes, outcomes, consciousnesses.

So, as we observe space, so to speak, there is a network of life, on all levels, in constant motion and not isolated in any way one part from another. For in the finer realities, everything touches everything. One’s consciousness touches this tapestry, this matrix, and, when attuned to the finer realities or energies, can be instantly connected anywhere in the matrix, and explore. So, the perception of traveling from one world to another, across vast distances and natural challenges, is a very limited view as we have demonstrated on these many journeys.

You ask, then, “How real can the experience become?” To experience the object of a journey as if present physically is not always desirable but possible, our brother. Being present in consciousness is far less problematic but still must be accomplished with an agenda free of interference with that object.

We have known of these and we have journeyed together on this matrix, but even ‘matrix’ suggests form and structure with tight parameters, if you will. It is far more fluid than that, our brother, for the matrix moves through realities in a dynamic and fluid way. And one does learn the art of moving in this way. So, when you consider the space between worlds, be mindful of the dynamic flow of the matrix of life when journeying. It is in constant motion.

Feb. 20, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross