Lanto: The ability to be that which has never been

LANTO:   Yes, peace be yours, our brother, as we find our peace in our new adventure, moving into new life vistas unlike any that we have known. At the moment in our journey, we are savoring the rich flavor of life energies that are new and quite different and are becoming conscious of being re-molded, re-formed as our new existence progresses. Now, our new existence is not a total departure from all we have known and been, but includes the essence of these as a foundation for understanding, appreciating a finer reality. And through these lessons learned, we appreciate life even more, with what is being added.

The need for physical sustenance, nurturing, has long since passed. Now, the challenges are maintaining a balanced life in harmony with so many unknown patterns of life, energies if you will. But even now we are sensing life existence beyond the limits of energy. For all energies, our brother, have a limitation due to their nature, their patterns of existence, their qualities. But understand that all of these are part of the collective life of all realities, and have their role or place in the complex composite of everything.

This movement of ours, into a higher reality vibrationally speaking, causes one to be more sensitive to finer nuances of life, not only around us, so to speak, but within us as well. Our interests, desires, adventures, experiences have evolved and are evolving rapidly, so it seems. We are finding that we have the ability to reshape ourselves to become more intimately one with realities we only observed before. And we are understanding oneness in the sense of ‘becoming something else.’ Freedom to be a wider range of life and life expressions, to move about these, returning to whatever we choose. No longer an identity limited to that identity. And even multiplicity in identities, at the same time.

Much to learn here, to master, and to appreciate. Moving from physicality to energetic existence and, now, something more. Not knowing its full range yet and meaning, but becoming aware of its reality. Time and space no longer limitations, and in time, energies as well. And suspecting that the ability to be what has never been, adding to the tapestry of life in completely new ways. A breakthrough for us, our brother, and we sense your interest as well.

The journey is by no means complete and your consciousness is exploring and expanding with us. And this is an interesting relationship that is unfolding, showing that the fullness of life is available to your consciousness.

Mar. 11, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross