Humanity awakening to its wisdom

JANU: I am Janu speaking, signaling then at this time the incursion of, and resurrection of the original vision for the destiny of humanity. Let us proceed then at this time to bring about a change in the order of life in the sense of clearing the muddy waters of experimentation without a vision. Now, the ‘muddy waters’ so to speak, our brother, exist within the minds and consciousness of much of humanity, idyllic life seeming but a dream.

These so-called rebellions of the populations of nations against their leadership and forced lifestyle will settle down in time. But the leadership of these nations must change to enlightened leadership, with a keen sensitivity to the destiny of the people and of nations, with a vision that is far more clear. Now, leadership must include a sensitivity to the internal leadership of the people, their innate qualities of fairness, creativity, and love for each other. These people do not seek power, such as the leaders of nations do. They seek freedom to be and to express and to relate to each other. They desire a nation that understands and fosters these qualities, bringing about fairness and mutual support.

Let us live then in the future, which is the Now, having gained wisdom from the past. Humanity’s awakening is part of that vision. Namaste.

Mar. 22, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross