A new day for humanity

JANU:   There will come in time a liberation of the human spirit, leaving behind the darkness of the past and the present. This liberation will come in the form of agreeable cooperation based upon a growing understanding of what can be accomplished together and the waste that comes from conflict and greed, power struggles, fear of the unknown and each other.

This new day dawning for humanity will begin to blossom in the decades to come. It will not originate from one location or one person, but an uprising of profound inner desire around the world, here and there, not only for a better life, but from memory of a better life. For many in your world are not exclusive to Earth experience and bring with them the memories of a more peaceful and richer life.

This will occur for some in September of this year, and grow exponentially, a growing number of people. It is an awakening of the spirit overtaking and replacing the darkness on the human journey. This is not just something to be observed from without but gains its strength and scope from within, for many still see the outer world as the primary reality. It is not. Evolution of human consciousness is not limited to the daily outer experience, but from a growing presence within of True Nature, memories, potential, capability, experience, and a love for life.

We see this occurring soon, our brother, for so much lies before humanity to be achieved. It is time. The wandering in the comparative darkness is ending. There will be those who will resist the change, delaying it only for themselves. A new way of life, a new way of living is on the horizon. Rejoice in this. Embrace it, and enjoy your future. Namaste.

Apr. 14, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross