The creative process

JANU: For this morning’s journey through the tapestry of life, let us weave a pattern of creativity. For what would life be without it? This pattern will appear as a bright light at first, not forgetting for a moment the source of creativity and the blessing it brings to every moment.
A creative pattern first appears as this light and then transforms through the light spectrum, meaning the spectrum of Truth, settling, as it were, on one particular element of life’s potential. And then touching the consciousness that was inspired to embrace a creative moment on the path of life, that reveals itself to the genius of being. We would have you know at this time, our brother, that these creative moments spring forth continually, not always embraced to fruition, for the creative process requires understanding and commitment to the spark of truth, possibility. And this can be developed in the individual through attention on the creative process and commitment to new ideas, new solutions to challenges—the tipping point for this process—and a passion to improve life, the life experience for the self and for others.
Now, not all creations are completely unique. A life inspires itself everywhere and understandings can already exist in other consciousnesses. Now, one being might not know the creative thoughts of another, but life does. And the creative thought of similar pattern can attract other patterns. Mutually beneficial, you see, mutual enhancement. Another dynamic in the flow of life, yet to be understood and mastered. So, the creative process, our brother, is a universal one, for life is universal. Wise to become aware of how universal that is.
Apr. 26, 2014                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross