Can life be defined? 

JANU:   The scope of consciousness is limited only by the scope of perception or identity. Does life itself have limits? Yes and no. Limits within its expressions, but not its potential. For how does one define life, in its fullest reality? Certainly not by dimensions, for there is life beyond these. Even ‘freedom to be’ suggests choices and identities, but life is beyond identity. What does ‘me’ mean?

There are reasons for limitations, no matter the reality, and for perceptions of identity, but there is life larger than these. Being ‘conscious of’ and being ‘conscious as’ is a spectrum of life, but not being limited by either of these does not negate their usefulness and their reality.

How does one ponder an expression of life and not be contained by it? What is life? Namaste.
Nov. 29, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross