The Repositories of Knowledge

JANU: For this evening’s journey, we would begin by saying that all of this Brotherhood of Light are honored by the achievements of humanity, for many key awakenings and achievements have been recorded. The significance of these is that they prepare humanity for more profound levels of understanding and achievement. Understand this, our brother: that any achievement of humanity is a shadow of larger achievements. We of the Brotherhood of Light hold the vision for humanity to take its place among the stars, so to speak, making its contribution with so many other worlds and species growing into their truth.

Humanity of the Earth will be part of a composite of a focus of information exchange with countless other worlds, who have access to this repository, a living repository, evolving constantly, to be inspired and informed. Wise and accomplished beings will serve those who embrace this repository with conveyance of meaning across the barriers of language, or should we say limitations. Other repositories, part of other realities of life, are part of the network of the tapestry of Life.

You ask if too much information stifles the passion for creativity? It can, our brother. For those who are awakened, enlightened, in the larger reality of life, will not succumb to this, and those who do will be no longer attuned to the repository. Life’s natural balance and way of metering, if you will, the power and the wisdom of enlightenment.

July 16, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross