New Earth

JANU:  We are changing course then this morning as a result of a venue of opportunity calling on our attention. This venue we speak of dominates the emerging life on new worlds and the reappearance of life on others.

There is a new world in your vicinity where the new life exists and is, if you will, in its incubation period. It belongs to a region of stars in your equatorial sky. It is embryonic to the point where one would be hard pressed to predict species, but many of the beings to incarnate are from the Earth, for a reason. Humanity’s consciousness is not ready yet for such responsibility of oversight and guidance, but humanity will have a bond, a common footing with this new species and will be ready when it’s time.

By design, this species will advance quickly, becoming more conscious even than humanity is at this point. Much to come of this, our brother. In a very limited way, let us refer to this as the ‘new Earth,’ for connection purposes.

July 11, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross