Letting Go

JANU:   Perusing life, then, in freedom allows the experience to be unconditioned by perception, agendas, anticipations. Conditions such as these play a role in keeping the consciousness within the parameters of perceived existence. The universe, life, already is. To experience without coloration is a freedom. Humanity in many ways is consumed by their attention on so many goals, requirements of understanding, and conditions of comparison to their history of experience.

Realize this, our brother, that every visit with some element of life is unique, for life is in motion, as we have said many times. And if this is true, every position in life, when revisited, has changed. So how can you anticipate every experience by what has been? The freedom to explore, in fact, is enhanced by letting go of previous exploration. They do not validate a new journey by resembling it. Exploring life in the freedom we describe takes no effort at all but, as we have said, an open mind and open heart, meaning free of what has been.

Every moment of life is new. Compelling the moment to live in the past leaves you in the past. The question may be the same. The answer is always different. Allow this to be so, and you allow your freedom as a traveler exploring life. How can you validate a new experience with old information?

As we have said, life is not linear. Life is a simultaneous reality, not limited to such notions. So, when exploring, letting go means just that, as we have described. Ponder this, our brother, and you will succeed.

July 29, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross