The Progenitors of Life

JANU:   The focus for this evening rests in the hands, so to speak, of the progenitors of life. We would have you understand at this time that these progenitors discovered life resting upon the Earth in the form of a vacancy of manifest life. These progenitors took the opportunity to initiate patterned recognition that brought life into motion in the origins of Earth’s history of manifest life.

These progenitors are not individual beings as such, but belong to a group of catalysts of life, carrying the patterns of creation and imprinting these upon the many fields of creation or life potential, as they occur. Now, one can call this ‘intelligent design’ if they were so inclined. But it’s not as many have imagined. The imprint of their seed of the patterns of life remains with all of the life that was born. The reality of the creation of everything has many mysteries within it, having little to do with how you might prefer life to have begun. Namaste.

July 30, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross