The Nature of Life

JANU: We shall speak to your query as to the nature of life. It is the motivator of all creation, of all realities, and the Now we speak of so often. The motivation is from its nature to ‘be.’ And ‘to be’ is at the heart, the core, of the nature of life. Needless to say, the manifestations of life carry this motivation and reflect the presence of life. Even the inanimate objects, as you ask, have motivation ‘to be’ for the realities, the energy, the conditions of their existence are still on the move, and even though your perception of process, some call ‘time’, is imperceptible in its motion, the motion is there, our brother.

So what perception would you use to appreciate, understand, the nature of life, when it possesses, if you will, all perceptions, all interpretations? You ask for a practical understanding of the nature of life. It is in the form, our brother, of the continuation of everything. Where can you gaze and not appreciate the nature of life? How can life, then, be an eternal reality without the motivation to ‘be’? Even the ending of a sojourn of incarnation is not the ending of life, for your own True Nature continues, changing its relationship with the opportunities of life, imbued with the motivation to ‘be.’ And this motivation, our brother, in all of life inspires all of life to ‘be,’ for the fruits of this ‘beingness’ always enhances life and reveals its potential.

Aug. 14, 2014 B                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross