Exploring Life

JANU: We are Janu speaking, hammering away then, so to speak, at the knowledge of the human endeavors that pertain to miniscule advancements in science and technology and the condition of human evolution.

Let us begin by saying that there is an endeavor within each of us to understand and experience more of life and not settle for the status quo. This is part of human nature. It is the theme for awakening, evolving, and, yes, living. For even though life can be repetitious at times, there’s a part of the nature that still evolves, for the repeated experiences are evolving as well. We begin to see in time the threads of life that are in motion and changing. And when we do, the repetitions slough off and life expands.

Impatience does not change this scenario. The life quest does. And by ‘quest’ we mean the passion to live and become. Science and technology are part of this, for as these reveal more of the truth of life, the consciousness, the True Nature, brings a depth of meaning into creative possibilities. Be observant as even the modalities, the models, of science and technology evolve. The thread of life is still there.

Always reach for more, while continuing to absorb and plumb the depths of what has already been achieved. Life being a continuous, simultaneous process. Be encouraged, inspired, and motivated to explore life. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 13, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross