The meaning and purpose of life

JANU: We are Janu speaking, probing more deeply into the nature and the mystery and the magic of life, its vastness, complexity, depth, and vitality. For today’s journey, let us explore the nature of the meaning of life, and what that reveals.

What is meaning, then, in this scenario? The reality of life essentially is far beyond finite meaning, as is purpose, for how can one understand life from a limited concept, meaning, or purpose? One can embrace elements of it and resort to interpretation. What is the natural meaning of anything, our brother? The meaning and purpose of life is ‘to be,’ to continue, to fulfill destiny, the destiny of potential.

You ask if there is an end-goal here, or destination? The answer is ‘No,’ none that you would understand, for understanding is a continuation of current awareness and experience and environment. Even the True Nature, our brother, considers this. And the perpetual pursuit of these understandings comes from the universal meaning of life, but does not describe it. How can a finite reality reveal the infinite, other than its probability? But the pursuit, you see, is the tapestry of life, is the essence.

We are all the pursuers of embracing more of life but only as part of life, expressions of life. Life is one, and we are pursuing that oneness and the journey of that pursuit is the richness that is gained. What else would we be reaching for, other than the enrichment of life which we are elements of? But the realities of life are beyond number and each one is filled with the magic and enrichment of discovery and co-creation.

The purpose and meaning of life is to live it. What you find is up to you. What you create is up to you. What you understand and what you love is up to you. It is up to us all. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 24, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross