Different perspectives do not mean we can’t walk the path to truth together

JANU: The Light that understanding brings is available to everyone. Many choose this consciously and many unconsciously, subtler levels of their being encouraging their journey to see more clearly and to come to know who they are, what they are. We would see at this time the attraction from within to a peaceful life more in harmony with new possibilities.

One of the greatest opportunities for advancing humanity is not that far away, our brother. And that is contact, on one level or another, with beings not of the Earth and, eventually, non-physical beings, which are even vaster. It is time for humanity to come out of its slumber and awaken to the world that has already been there but they have only seen, here and there, in dreams and imagination. Your science has even asked the question, “How did so many of ancient times know so much of the truth of Life, celestial reality, without the technology of today?” Enlightened individuals have always existed, our brother, here and there, with insight into the nature of life, and the truth of their existence.
Instead of marveling at these achievements, so unfathomable, why not open to and discover a few of your own? If one can accomplish these things, anyone can, if the desire is there and the mind is open. Never let frustrations, so-called mistakes, unforeseen obstacles, challenges, and the doubts of others interfere with pursuing your dream and your quest to know. The truth that matters, our brother, is your own truth, for your perception of life is yours. How you evolve it, refine it, utilize it, and share it is up to you.
Having our own perceptions does not mean we cannot walk these journeys together and learn from each other and strengthen our resolve. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 22, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross