Understanding human and creature co-dependency

JANU:   We are addressing this morning the need for surveillance on the outcroppings of life that pertain to the co-dependency of humanity and the creatures of the Earth. It is no accident that humanity coexists with these creatures, our brother, and is co-dependent with them. There is far reaching and diverse wisdom in the creatures of the Earth. Relatively few of humanity are aware of this. Witness the experimentation with Koko the gorilla. Humanity marvels at its apparent mastering of human words and behavior, little understanding that its world is far richer than what it has learned from a few humans yet to learn to communicate as effectively with its world and understanding. Humanity forgets at times that its physical body is an animal of the Earth, patterned after the creatures, the environment, and the reality of Earth consciousness, collective consciousness.

Both humanity and the creatures have had the opportunity to evolve beyond preying on each other to sustain life and gain dominance. Humanity could be a leader in this evolution. A few are, here and there. One might say that is the nature of the animal existence: to survive by mutual consumption. A short-sighted perception. Part of the catalyst for uncontrolled growth of populations is mutual consumption. Some might suggest that warring keeps the population balanced. It is the other way around, our brother. Warring continues to precipitate uncontrolled population expansion. Nature has a way of balancing things. Humanity may not enjoy the manner of this implementation but is part of the reason for it, with its slaughtering of each other, animals for food, clothing, and entertainment, seeing creatures as a resource for these behaviors. And what is the animal world to learn from humanity in this area but to overpopulate to survive. A dog-eat-dog relationship, we might say.

Now, there are individuals who love the creatures of the world and would not harm them. In fact, strive to aid them in their survival and well-being. And there are creatures who have befriended individual humans as a result of kindness and caring. Is it not time, our brother, to view the larger picture here? The love you give life is returned many times over. So be kind to someone and to a creature and witness the result. Does this not speak of a better life and future for humanity?

Aug. 20, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross