JANU: We are Janu speaking, holding session, if you will, as we move along the path of awakening of humanity and its destiny. Others observe this journey of humanity as well. It is studied and compared to many others to learn of the nature of the choices humanity makes as it slowly considers its destiny and its shaping of it.
What does ‘destiny’ mean, then, in the presence of so-called free will and choice and awakening? The patterns of life include destiny, the power to choose, and the freedom to become. But the choices made, and the becoming, are not free of influence, circumstance, existing opportunities, and opportunities that are created. And even so-called time does not govern these, for that is process.
These patterns of life can be observed as probabilities that make up life of so many other beings, consciousnesses, and passions to live. So ‘destiny,’ our brother, is not set in stone but taken into account as the choices within patterns of life reveal themselves. Free will is the freedom to make choices within the parameters of existence, any existence that consciousness resides in, identifies with, chooses to explore. Everything is connected to everything else, in one way or another. The awakening consciousness begins to appreciate the myriad of realities within the patterns of life, which are without number. And all of this, our brother, is One and every universe, every reality, is of these patterns.
There are subtle ‘ring-pass-nots’ throughout creation, throughout life, to help maintain the integrity of every pattern of life. For when a consciousness embraces a previously unknown pattern of life, movement takes place in the integrity of that pattern, and nothing is motionless, our brother, or stands still, but evolves and changes. When we say “Life is in motion” the understanding of this has unlimited interpretations of this reality. An interesting balance in perspective to embrace all of this and more, maintaining an evolving sanity of perception and relationship to all of life.
Sept. 16, 2014 B Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross