Letting go of old patterns to create new ones

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, enamored of, if you will, a peaceful co-existence with life that we know and you have known. And, yes, forgiveness and peacefulness go hand in hand. And the letting go, which is the nature of forgiveness, is a doorway to peace. For how does it serve you to hang on to ‘unforgiveness’ in a life that is continually in motion? Dragging resentments of the past into the future restricts the future to those moments of the past, you see. Practice, then, letting go of those thoughts and emotions, memories that block or restrict your journey into a peaceful future or, shall we say, your becoming. What memory, then, our brother, is worth your future, your freedom, and what you are becoming?

‘This too shall pass’ is your choice. To reach for and embrace the next rung on the ladder of life, one must let go of the last one, you see. So embrace the lessons of life, the wisdom gained, and let go of the circumstance. Remember the lesson and use it wisely, always moving with the flow of life in motion. The treasures are there to be discovered to enrich your life as you, in turn, enrich life with the freedom to do so.

So many of the memories of circumstances of the past are held onto as if they were in the present. Allow the change, let go of old patterns, create new ones. Namaste.

Sept. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross