Be at peace and find true power in your life

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, communicating at will to explore the benevolence of peace, True Peace. Once again defining True Peace as not the absence of violence, but the harmonious flow with life, allowing all of the benefits, the support, the insight and power to create and serve and love. True Peace does not just benefit an individual, but supports life everywhere. Being at peace is a generous position in life. What it inspires in others, as well as circumstances, is the path to reclaiming your own true power, power over your life, not power over others for that is enslavement and will bring you down.

True power, True Peace, supports all of life. Many in your society battle this and battle that, whether it be false power, each other, illness, poverty. Everything is a battle and a fight in these areas. Some even struggle for sanity. Is it any wonder that depression exists? True Peace rejuvenates, invigorates, brings balance to your entire life. The systems of the body are no longer programmed for weakness, internal conflict, and diminished resources. True Peace is the path to true power and freedom, freedom to direct your life and become more than you have imagined, the true power to inspire others to possess their own freedom, their own True Peace. Creativity blossoms. The presence of loving energy expands. The resources of life are more available to achieve.

Many seek conquest of elements of life, yet the conquest that they need is over their own prejudices, attitudes, philosophy, conduct, and destructive tendencies. Conquer ignorance with understanding, despair with confidence and love. Conquer depression with caring for others. Conquer poverty by being prosperous in your thought and your relationships. Conquer anger and frustration with compassion. Conquer fear with ownership of who you are. Be at peace and find freedom. Namaste.

Oct. 2, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross