Changes through Awakening

Changes to come for an awakening humanity
Change is coming soon


Changes to come for an awakening humanity

JANU: Ponder then, if you will, the changes in store for humanity during this transition. The perceived need to fear each other and insane behaviors slowly diminish allowing trust to ensue and more openness, mutual support, and understanding, a more generous nature fearing less of personal loss and more of satisfaction in the benefit of another. This results in fewer and fewer living in desperation, feeling that justifies stealing from others to survive. When they learn that making their needs known brings others to their rescue, converting them from ‘takers to survive’ to ‘givers to survive.’

Economies grow stronger for there is less perceived need to squeeze the last bit of profitability from corporations and their staff. Banking institutions care more about the long-term welfare of their clients and work with them to help assure their long-term success, realizing more clearly that the economic health and success of their patrons equals their own, for they are intimately linked.

The reach for the stars, other worlds, other civilizations, will have a clearer path for what they bring to these will be for the benefit of them as well—their worlds, populations, and life journeys—for humanity’s growing foundation and understanding in this direction can be seen.

Education of the children and young people will take on new dimensions, learning of the nature of life, existence, being, destiny and potential, creativity, and life more eternal than incarnation, physical existence. The art of creativity, genius, discovery, mastership of abilities, and the expansion of consciousness all founded in a love of life will be the seeds planted for the future of humanity. And of course the results of this change everything as future generations engage life.

Health and well-being will take on new understanding that leaving the body, ‘passing on’ if you will, is not necessarily a function of disease, despair, suicide, frustrations with living, emptiness, and a loveless life, but a choice. Even with a well body, healthy outlook, the ownership of one’s own true power makes the decision to leave the body based upon a grander understanding of one’s own timing. The leaving of the body returns to the power of the individual through enlightenment. The medical profession will, of course, change greatly, focusing on serving people before illness rather after, turning each one’s consciousness to their own responsibility and power for excellent health.

The legal profession will change greatly as arbitrators, lifting the consciousness of those in conflict to one of cooperation, balance, and mutual benefit.

Many changes to come as humanity embraces the larger life. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 13, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Change is coming soon

JANU: The moment is rapidly approaching on the journey of humanity to proclaim itself, its existence, of having purpose and integrity as a viable and contributing member of the larger family of life. Claiming this consciously, with deliberation and sincerity, will quicken the process, blossoming in the light with rapid but doable changes in consciousness raising and social development. What we are speaking of here is a threshold in consciousness of moving from one reality to another.

These changes will set the stage and the dynamics, the definition of government, leadership, service, and meaningful brotherhood. Humanity is concerned with survival in a limited way, meaning physicality and culture. What is coming, our brother, is not just slow evolutionary change, but a kind of quantum leap forward.

It is not difficult to notice the intensity and depth of conflict in ideologies around the world. This is a symptom of the imminent arrival of the threshold of choosing. Let us assist in the preparation for this change by announcing it, explaining it, preparing the soil so to speak for the planting and taking root and the growth.

Change is coming, not as a thing outside of humanity but from within it, for the inner reality of humanity is much more connected with the larger life than the outer perception of so-called reality. Those who are awakened can feel this coming. We sense it and know you are part of it. Their opportunity is to love humanity into this threshold with the courage to declare it and recreate society. This is nothing to fear, but to anticipate, look forward to, and find peace in this next step up the ladder of life. Each rung on the ladder achieved brings greater vision, deeper insight, and a growing awareness of the path of awakening into the next threshold. Change is coming, and it is soon.

Oct. 24, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross