Embracing change

JANU: We are assembling at this time our predictions or forecasts of the elements of life and human consciousness as they swirl, so to speak, forming up into a new model of human evolution and awakening. This swirling, so to speak, is a natural response to movement in human consciousness in the passions and struggles to free themselves of limitations, old patterns of living and thinking and behaving. When observed, this swirling is not strictly uniform. There are, at times, counter-swirls, if you will. The energies in the matrix of life are realigning. Many speak of the laws of nature in the physical universe, for even the laws of nature are in motion and so are the structures of life, rearranging. And they are in direct response to the human quest to understand and master its condition.

The experience of this change and the process of it, needless to say, can be unsettling. Once again, the challenge is letting go of the old. Embracing the new smoothes the way as life changes. Humanity, as you know, has a tendency to hang on to tradition, the comfort that repetition and predictability brings. But to those who embrace the new, the old ways have become boring and limiting to the burgeoning consciousness of insight and new capabilities.

Much of what humanity experiences as ‘normal,’ even from beyond their ken so to speak, they have created. So the changes that are coming and disturbing the status quo were created by humanity and life is responding. The age-old questions of “Why is this happening to me?” “What did I do to deserve this change that I struggle against?” and “These changes are frightening!” are only a product of ignorance. Look around your life and envision changes occurring here and there with this or that. Does that frighten you or encourage you? No matter what the changes, you will always be, but never quite the same. You will be stronger and more resilient, more confident in the changes to come.

Change, our brother, is a way of life. Allow it to be a way of living. Find comfort and peace that change exists. It is life in motion and is constant creation. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2014                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross