Thresholds to come

JANU:    Let us be enlightened, this time, on some of the peaks to be reached on this journey, or should we say thresholds, for each achievement leads to another.

One such threshold will be clear vision and choice. Another threshold will be well-being in the body. Another threshold: true peace of mind. Another threshold: the gift of insight into everything, including others. Another threshold: direct communication with the creatures of the Earth, in their own knowing. Another threshold: the gift of healing, as others touch the ‘hem of the garment’ and heal themselves, marveling at the beauty of life that they are. Another threshold: the gift of traveling in consciousness, with profound clarity. Another threshold: intimate communication and connection with lifestreams in other realities and on other worlds. Another threshold: the ability to radiate peace and encouragement. Another threshold: the witnessing of the alternative to religion to meet the needs of awakening people into new life and mastery.

So you see, our brother, the future is rich with opportunity, better in every way, certainly worthy of the journey. Namaste.

Nov. 29, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross