A Christmas Message

JANU:   We are surveying this Christmas season of the Earth and enjoying the goodwill it brings, even across religions, cultures. It brings a glow to the Earth, which is a reminder to humanity of what can endure throughout the year: a moment’s kindness, patience, tolerance, giving, graciously receiving, supporting an appreciation for life and future possibilities. Granted, this is co-existing with the more materialistic motivations, but a wondrous glow, nonetheless.

There have been so many traditions expressed throughout human history. Be mindful that there are many other traditions not identified with Christmas, with the same result. And they all contribute to humanity’s freedom. Why not, then, bless everyone you can, child, adult, creature of the Earth? Be part of the collective joy, focusing it, strengthening it, purifying it, at every opportunity.

When a child delights in a gift, delight at the child’s happiness, which is the true gift. And, as some do, provide the child with an opportunity to give that blessing to someone else. Children universally find joy in giving to others. It is their nature. Allow them to express it. It will stay with them through their lives, reminding them of who they truly are.

Happiness, our brother, brings people together, wanting to share their joy. May this become a constant in the affairs of humanity. We benefit from your joy as well and are delighted that it is there. Season’s greetings and namaste.

Dec. 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross