JANU: We are orienting this journey to include the disposition of blessings for humanity. These blessings come in the form of being attuned to and inspiring mutual tolerance and patience, allowing encouragement and love for each other. Yes, the Angelic Host, the angels, have always been part of this blessing. We see more and more of humanity choosing this course, this path. There are still those filled with the opposite, shutting out, if you will, their True Natures. And as they see this movement flower, they do not understand it. It brings confusion for what they hold onto so tightly has no place, and they fear this. But life is patient and moves forward. And love and patience are eternal and survive and grow.
Evidence of this is the well-being of the body flourishing in the presence of inner peace, joy and gratitude and service to others. These things are the source of prosperity for any nation, making it possible to experience and know you are wealthy regardless of your possessions and power in society. Being ‘at peace’ regardless of material possessions or wealth is unmistakable. The discovery of inner wealth, and the building of this, changes your outlook on everything. Especially discovering who you are.
So make the journey of discovering your True Power, your true wealth, and the clarity to see more. And from this understanding and position of wealth look around you, observe others, and encourage them to find their wealth. Having nothing to do with possessions, but everything to do with how you use them. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross