Reaching for the stars

JANU: We are Janu speaking, enamored of the opportunity to reach for the stars, as you put it. A worthy ambition for everyone to always reach peacefully and share the achievement with the rest of life, for service, you see, is not limited to each other. Service is unlimited. Our life is everywhere, and every when, and all connected.

Being all you can be is not a destination, an end goal, but a continuous life process. Investing in this manner in your existence brings untold riches in opportunity and consciousness and service to life. Reaching for the stars, then, is an unlimited yet immediate opportunity. Whatever you experience that you are capable of, there is more. Having a foundation of peace, more than frustration, anxiety, self-limiting thoughts and feelings serves you well. In a foundation of peace, the elements of life integrate harmoniously and that includes you.

How then does one reach for that which they are unaware of? By being open to and expecting more than you know. Faith, yes. Belief, yes. Loving life, yes. Integrity, yes. Peace, yes. Standing in your truth, yes. Being honest with yourself and others, yes. Giving what you can, yes. Listening to the truth of others with sensitivity and compassion, yes. Forgiving yourself and others, yes. Gratitude, yes.

This is not a weak way to live, our brother. It is a strong way to live. Open to change yet solid in what you know. Integrity filled with conviction, confidence, yet open to change. This is the future of humanity and even more. Believe in each other. Honor each other. Value each other. As do we. Namaste.

Dec. 6, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross