Elements of exploring life

JANU: Let us explore life, even as we are being explored, for one does not live in isolation, whether conscious of it or not.

What we explore this evening is the power of the moment, in the sense of understanding part of the true nature of life and your own. Knowledge and understanding is a powerful reality. It speaks to the flow of life in creation. A co-creator with a growing wisdom, love of life, and an open mind and heart, so to speak, helps bring to many the Light that brings the freedom to be.

Individual gratification is not the goal here. The goal is that life evolves, is fulfilled. Observing the face of a child filled with wonder and awe while observing its parent. When an individual finds inspiration from within, in an instant, they understand and find peace and the wonder at life they are on the path of becoming.

So exploring life, our brother, is more than observation but must include engagement, contribution, and the wisdom to be gained wherever it is found. And, of course, with gratitude which keeps the door open for more. And we will meet many other explorers. Thank you, my brother, and namaste.

Jan. 23, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross