What are your true desires?

JANU: Interfacing with life and its creations can occur in so many different ways, most of which are not considered possible by most of humanity. Denying something does not make it untrue. Yet desiring something can find its way into truth. Choosing what you allow to be in your life as true and choosing what is not true does shape your existence. Lack of evidence in your perception of a new possibility does not mean it’s not there, but possibly just the result of denial hides it from you.

Once again: What is true and what is not? What exists and what does not? How does one choose a possibility yet to be experienced, with seemingly no evidence of existence? One does so with an open mind, an open heart, accepting the possibility of existence, and being ever alert.

Now, your true desires in life: make them clear in your consciousness and love them into your life. Realities can still be created for the very first time. All the possibilities in life have yet to be fulfilled. Why shouldn’t yours be one of them? What wonderment exists for you? What gives you joy? What are you capable of? What do you love? Remember who you are, what you have been, and embrace the future. It belongs to you. Namaste.

Feb. 11, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross