The price of social conformity

JANU: Sublimation of the desire for freedom in the face of social pressures is a weakness in the human experience. Self-examination of the price of acclimation and obedience is called for here. It calls into question the whole concept of collective reality, group dynamics, and the so-called ‘common good’ defined by those taking advantage of what they have created in society. It is time for many to discover, experience, and take command of their true inner power, identity, and heritage of their own making.

This does not mean anarchy and dissolution of all social structures, but it puts them on a different footing, you see, a footing of mutual freedom and support, integrity, and True Peace. Instead of organizing societies to be at war with each other, organize societies to create a better life for everyone, combining their strengths to overcome frailties, misperceptions, doubts and fears, and ill health. Whenever thievery and mayhem appear in a society, these are the markers of abuse and lack of focus.

Let us always challenge ourselves to change directions, to sort out our perceptions and choices, and be willing to embrace a change in these areas. Namaste.
Feb. 24, 2015                                                                                                              Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross