The collective humanity and beyond

JANU: We are encouraging at this time sweeping changes to human consciousness and the platform of life that it enjoys. Now, not ‘sweeping’ in the sense of enormous change but the widespread beginnings of change in a more consolidated or coordinated nature. Be aware that the collective consciousness of humanity is quite capable of choosing these changes and has the authority to do so.

We have taken the journeys before of exploring the reality of humanity being one collective consciousness and addressed this such in a way that does not violate individuality, but where countless individualities comprise one consciousness. A seeming dichotomy, but true nonetheless. There is wisdom in expanding your awareness to include collective reality. The range of possibilities for the collective human is broad enough to include individual choices. In this manner, the individual achievements in consciousness that may be more far reaching than others can have a collective benefit for everyone. And being a collective, individual consciousnesses can easily access any other, according to its capacity and maturity.

One of many systems of life is this collective reality. And, yes, collectives can connect with each other. When exploring other species and other worlds, consider then their collective realities. And this begins to describe the Oneness of life. So the study of collectives and systems is a study of the larger life and the larger family of life of which we speak. To consider oneself alone in life is definitely a limited perspective, and limits the experience.

Individuality is not the greatest reward for being. As each cell in your body has individuality but its life, its existence, is coordinated with the collective of the body and the service each element provides to that collective. This is the nature of life, our brother, a pattern to be understood. A pattern to fulfill by way of your existence and expanding consciousness. Namaste.

Mar. 4, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross