The jewels in the crown

JANU: We are ornamenting life, so to speak, with the beauty of human ideals, dreams and visions, good works, service to others, loving relationships and peace with each other, a love of nature and the creatures of the Earth, and the desire to embrace and understand more of life. The ornaments that humanity are bestowing on each other and the life around them are ‘jewels in the crown’ of human consciousness. Each day, this is added to, and these jewels benefit humanity and are the foundation for their growth and maturity and their eternal nature. The jewels in the crown, so to speak, are beyond price. And, yes, they sparkle with their colors and their energies and do not fade with time.

Would that humanity could witness, with clarity, all that it has achieved. These achievements, our brother, are like lenses of connection to the consciousnesses of other worlds, for they have jewels in their crown as well. Part of how they will know each other, understand their ideals and their dreams, and what they have achieved. The aura of each human is such a display.

When observing another, open your consciousness to be aware of the jewels in the crown of another, in their auras, in their True Natures, and be inspired to the future of humanity. When you shake the hand of another, put your attention on this. Let them see yours as well. And what do you see when you see a jewel in the aura of another, in their consciousness? You see its focus. You experience its vitality. You touch its pattern. And you understand the person more deeply.

When life touches life, it is in both directions, so to speak, and the truth is exchanged and the distrust fades away. Namaste.

Mar. 7, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross